Report Explorer Option

The Report explorer option on a CMDB <Entity> Details window enables you to view the details of the entity in a report format.

  1. Display the <Entity> Details window, if it is not already on screen.
  2. Locate the <Entity> Report option in the Explorer pane, expanding the groups as necessary.
  3. Select the <Entity> Report option. The Reporting window appears.
  4. The report is displayed. The header typically displays the name, date and time of the report, as well as entity information. For example, if it is a contract report, you may see the Contract and Master References, email, type, status, start and expiry dates, contract details, including updates, details of the linked external suppliers and CMDB items. The information included in the body depends on the nature of the entity.
  5. You can use the local buttons to do any of the following:

    To find specific text. Select the option and then key the text into the Find Text pane.

    To adjust the size of the display on screen.

    To display the first page of the report

    To display the page before the current page

    To select a page. Simply click in the box and replace the existing number with the number of the page you want to view.

    To display the page after the current page

    To display the final page of the report

    You can also select from the following options using the buttons on the toolbar for the window:

    to email the report to selected recipients. The report is sent as an attached file.

    to export the details to an RTF file. You will be prompted for the required file name and location in a Save As dialog box.

    to export the details to an Excel file. You will be prompted for the required file name and location in a Save As dialog box.

    to export the details to a PDF file. You will be prompted for the required file name and location in a Save As dialog box.

    to print the details

    Select from the toolbar or at the top of the Explorer pane to return to the Details window.